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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Using source control within Eclipse

In my last blog entry I talked about setting up a Subversion (SVN) repository, getting the subclipse plugin for Eclipse and adding a project to source control.

So why do we need source control? There are many reasons to use source control. Here are some of them:

  1. It creates a backup of your work
  2. It allows you to undo changes you made to the project
  3. It lets you work as a team with others on the same project
  4. You can create branches of the project for different reasons
The first point is pretty obvious. If something happened to your working copy of the project you still have a backup of the project in source control. If the repository is on a remote machine it is even better. If the repository is on the same machine but a different hard drive, that is a little better. Obviously not a huge advantage of having the repository on the same hard drive as the working copy.

The ability to undo changes is huge. Let's say you have a project using Selenium and it looks fantastic. You have 80% of the application automated. Then you add one more feature. You run the automation and there are failures all over. You check one of them and find there is nothing wrong with the application under test. It was a change you made to the automation. You have been working on the new automation for 3 hours.

Let's say you didn't have source control. You realize you probably should have tested some of the changes rather than working solid for 3 hours. It is too late to fix that now. You try to remember what you changed in the last few hours. Was it something you changed at the beginning? Was it something you just changed? You have no idea. You step through the automation and try to figure out what is wrong. It has been a long day and you are tired. You try changing a few things, you believe, back to the way they were. After another hour of changing things and just making it worse you decide to go to sleep and look at it tomorrow.

The next day you have a look at the code and immediately realize you messed up one of the locators. You thought the automation was failing at step 37 but there was actually a failure in the setup. You fix the locator and check the setup. It is working fine now. What about the hour of changes you made yesterday? After around 3 hours of work you think you got it back to were it was yesterday.

One minor mistake, 1 hour franticly trying to fix it, 3 hours undoing the frantic work you did yesterday. Total time wasted 4 hours. Maybe things aren't this bad in a situation you might encounter but I can guarantee you will waste an hour or more with situations like this.

Now let's look at the same situation with source control. You realize you should have tested your automation a few times in the last few hours. No problem. You have a few options at this point. You can compare your working copy with the last thing you checked in. In Eclipse,
  1. Right click on the project
  2. Go down to Compare With and select Latest from Repository
It will give you a window with a tree view in the top. The tree will contain a list of all the files which have changed. If you select one of the files, by double clicking it, it will open a compare view. On the left will be your working copy with the changes and on the right will be the last thing you checked into the repository. Using this tool you can review all your changes and see if one of them caused the failure. Hopefully you spot the change in the setup. Worst case, set a breakpoint at all the places you made a change, run the automation in debug mode and confirm everything is good at each change. You should definitely see that the setup is broken.

Typically, you don't want to check in broken code but if you are on a private branch (more about this later) or working alone it is okay. You could check in the code, compare the last checked in with the previous version. You'll see the same comparison tree but this time you can undo all the changes and bring them back one at a time. The whole procedure would be:
  1. Check in broken code
  2. Check out the previous, working version
  3. Compare this with the checked in, broken version
  4. Re-introduce one change at a time
  5. Run the automation and confirm the change didn't break anything
  6. Keep repeating steps 4 and 5 until you find the change that break the automation
The third advantage of source control is working as a team. If the repository is in a location two or more people can access it, each person can check out a working copy and make changes. This is one of the biggest advantages of source control. Without source control, if two people wanted to make a change on one file they'd have to one at a time. Imagine we have version 1 of a file. I get a working copy, you get a working copy. I make a change to line 17. You make a change to line 43. Without source control, I save the file back to the shared folder. You save the file back to the shared folder. My change to line 17 is lost. Not good.

With source control, it is smart enough to merge my changes and your changes. If for some reason it could not figure out how to merge the changes, the last person to attempt checking in would be told there was a conflict. To fix a conflict in SVN, you update your working copy to the latest from the repository. It will keep your change and grab a copy of the conflicting change. You then compare the changes, fix them by hand and check the file back in. At this point there should be no conflict.

The last advantage I mentioned was creating branches. A branch is a way of creating copies of the entire project. An example of a branch would be version v1.0 and trunk. When I start my project, everything is put in trunk (some source control software calls this head or main). At first things aren't very stable. I would never give a copy of trunk to a customer. At some point I get trunk stable and running well. If I add a new feature, trunk will become unstable again. What I can do is make a branch. Now the repository has trunk and v1.0. Any changes I make on v1.0 will not affect trunk and vice versa. Now I can add the new feature to trunk and destabilize it. At the same time, I can do safe, simple bug fixes on v1.0. I then ship the build from v1.0 to the customer (automation for v1.0 is also updated to match the product I shipped to the customer and nothing more). 

A few months later the customer calls up and says he found a bug. Development has made a LOT of changes to trunk by now. Test automation has been updated to match the changes in trunk. If you tried to run the test automation on v1.0 it would fail to run properly. We don't want to give a copy of trunk to the customer. Partly because it is not stable but also because it has new features the customer hasn't paid for.

So a developer will check out a copy of v1.0, fix the bug and build it as version v1.0.1. While the developer is working on the bug fix, the test automator will check out a copy of the automation from branch v1.0, update the automation to catch the bug, test it to make sure it does find the bug in v1.0 of the product. The tester will now run their automation against version v1.0.1 and confirm the fix. At this point the source control administrator will tag the code (development and automation) for v1.0.1.

Hold on, we missed something. The bug still exists in trunk. Whenever you work on a branch, you have to be sure to merge bug fixes from the branch down into trunk. The change to test automation has to be merged down into trunk as well. Sometimes it is a simple procedure but in some cases, the code in trunk has changed so much they (a) the bug no longer exists or (b) the fix is totally different. In case (b) the developer will have to devise a new fix and the test automator needs to change the test to find the bug in trunk.

There are just some of the things to know about using source control. I'll just leave you with a few recommendations:
  1. Test your code often. Don't wait 3 hours.
  2. Only check in code that works.
  3. After you test code and confirm it works, check it in.
  4. Put good comments so you know what you checked in and why.
Good luck and happy coding.

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